Slifka Dining is Yale’s kosher dining hall. Open for three meals a day during the week and for all Shabbat meals, Slifka Dining is an essential element of both the religious and social infrastructures of our community.
Whether those sitting around the table are catching up, debating, or just hanging out, shared meals at Slifka are important in maintaining our strong, tight-knit Jewish community. There, undergraduates bond with one another, as well as with graduate students, community members, and the "Slifka Fellow" professors who frequent the dining hall.
But students who keep kosher are not the only ones who enjoy delicious meals at Slifka. Because Slifka dining is known for its excellent food, warm atmosphere, and centrality on campus, many Jews who don't keep kosher and non-Jews eat at Slifka as well. It helps that Slifka is a part of the standard Yale Dining Plan. That is, any undergraduate on Yale's meal plan can come eat at Slifka for any meal for free. Slifka's popularity among the general undergraduate population makes it easy for observant Jewish students to bring their friends, suitemates – and even entire clubs and classes – to Slifka for meals.