YIHY represents the Orthodox Jewish community at Yale as well as the Orthodox Jewish community of downtown New Haven, catering to the needs of observant Jews on campus and in the surrounding area.
As a group, we arrange minyan services, Torah learning initiatives, social events and other activities for the Yale Jewish community at large.
YIHY members span the Orthodox spectrum and beyond, providing for vibrant observant life on campus while also being integrated into the larger Jewish community. YIHY, along with the Yale Hillel, is based in the Slifka Center, located in the center of campus.
Orthodox Life on Campus
As any member of our community would attest, being an observant Jew at Yale is an amazing experience.
We have an inspiring rabbinic couple, Rav Alex and Lauren. We have an incredible support system at the Slifka Center. There is generous funding for Jewish groups and individuals. The Yale administration and professors are friendly and understanding of our needs.
The religious infrastructure is extensive – with a plethora of learning, social, and extracurricular activities, as well as regular minyanim, delicious kosher food, and a remarkably cohesive pluralistic Jewish community! The four floors of the Slifka Center are always open for work, hanging out, and whatever else you can imagine!
The z'mirot on Shabbos are some of the best we've EVER heard!
But most of all, being an observant Jew at Yale is amazing because we always know we have a warm, vibrant, close-knit community supporting us in everything that we do.
Welcome to our community. We hope you like what you see!

Some of our past events
Chanukah Party
Friday Night Onegs
Pizza Making
Movie Night
Challah Baking

JLIC Couple
Our Orthodox rabbinic couple helps observant Jews thrive on Yale's campus by enhancing the religious, spiritual, ritual, and learning atmospheres

Daily Minyan
YIHY meets for minyan three times a day, whether it's a weekday, Shabbos, Sunday, or Chag
Get in touch with us to learn more! Visit the YIHY Board page for further contact information.
80 Wall St, New Haven, CT 06511